Monday, May 2, 2016

Abraham Hicks versus Avatar

     In 1991, I joined a spiritual group called Avatar. The spiritual practice in Avatar is similar to what Abraham Hicks teaches, but it differs in how it teaches you to discreate your negative beliefs.
     Abraham Hicks’ process is to ignore my negative beliefs. Negative thought is darkness and you can only get rid of darkness with light. You change your negative beliefs by replacing them with positive beliefs and outcomes.
     Abraham Hicks describes her concept of Pivoting as, “To consciously change the direction of one's thought. To deliberately choose a thought that is in vibrational harmony with one's desire."
     Research confirms that our mind cannot tell the difference between a vividly imagined experience and a real one. Our vibration reflects the result of our positive flights of fancy.
     Even so, the Avatar process of discreating negative beliefs does help me as long as I don't spend too much time creating and feeling negative beliefs. Don't spend more than 10 seconds feeling the negative beliefs that haunt you. 
     Some say what we resist persists, but if we are energy, we want to stop the energy flow towards what we don't want.
     As an example, when I am working on a project and have no evidence that it will come to fruition, I feel what it feels like to have my project not come to fruition. I expand on my negative feeling to the point that it sounds unrealistic, and then I stop and say to myself 'no one is here but me,' and 'there is no evidence.' I imagine all of my fear being within a bubble and me outside of that bubble.
    I then say to myself 'this is not I, but this is my creation,' and feel the negative feelings dissipate.
     I then move into what Abraham Hicks teaches, and ask myself whether I am a vibrational being with a choice over my thoughts in that moment. Rob Williams in the Psychology of Change, tells us that your subconscious only operates in the moment. 
     In the summer of 2012, I began to practice this routine, but then stopped when something I felt was so unfair happened to me in November of 2012.  
     Then, a week later, when I couldn't close my safe and had to take everything out of it, I found $2800. Within my safe was money from 5 years earlier that I didn't know was there. I realized that as I did my spiritual work daily, I was pushing against what I wanted instead of allowing.
     As soon as I stopped trying to force my manifestation money came into my experience. Once I stopped pushing against what I wanted, some of what I wanted flowed into my experience. So, don't try too hard. 
    Abraham Hicks recommends to use what you have to get happy and optimistic, not what you don't have for your reason to want to get hopeful and happy. An important difference.
    I listen to YouTube audios during the day as I work on my projects and it helps. Ester, of Abraham Hicks, definitely has a gift in describing processes for which I have used successfully in the past. I also like Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer and what Bruce Lipton has to say. Dr. Lipton provides scientific evidence to substantiate the essence of all these spiritual teachers. It's nice to have some credibility to the idea that visualization does work.

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